Tuesday 3 June 2014

Homemade Fettucini

I have been remiss at posting all the great things I have been creating lately, so here I make amends.

I have been trying out different homemade pasta recipes since receiving my pasta machine last December, this one is pretty basic and a great way to start out.

2 ½ Cups plain flour
½ Teaspoons salt
flour for dusting

Sift flour and salt together onto a clean work surface. Use your hands to shape the flour into a circular mound. Make a well in the centre. Crack the eggs in the well and use a fork to lightly whisk. Using fingertips to gradually blend flour into the egg mixture. Continue to gradually draw the flour into the centre until the mixture forms a dough. Dough should not stick to fingers. 

Lightly flour a flat surface. Firmly knead dough with heel of hand, folding over and turning. Knead for 6 minutes. Wrap in plastic wrap with light olive oil coverage for 30 minutes.

Lightly flour surface and pasta machine and turn knob to 7. Divide dough into 4 pieces and flatten one slightly. Roll dough through machine 3-4 times, folding sheet over once before inserting.

Turn setting down to 6 and repeat rolling process 2 or 3 times. Do this at each setting until you get to setting 1. Roll through setting one twice. Attach slicer to the machine and run the sheets through.

Dry on rack to prevent sticking for 30 minutes, or flour and make a nest our of cut dough. Dough cam be frozen at this stage. Cook for 4 minutes in salted, boiling water or until al dente and serve with desired sauce.