Sunday 7 August 2011

An earful of corn... frittering away

 When I was a child, every summer we would drive to Athens, Ontario and attend the "Corn Festival". An old steam engine was used to boil the water and corn, and it was delicious. My favourite part of the festival, tho, was the Corn Fritters. Friend doughnuts with corn kernels in the middle and rolled in cinnamon or sugar were truly the highlight of my summer. When I recently purchased more fresh Ontario corn than I could use in one week, my first thoughts were of those corn fritters of my youth. I sought out a recipe from The Food Network and worked at making it my own. I didn't coat my fritters in cinnamon/sugar tho, I served them with dinner in a corn inspired meal.
Bowl full of Corn Goodness

Corn Fritters:
Serves 2 Dozen
1 1/4 cups cornmeal
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
2 large eggs
1/4 cup butter, melted
2 ears of corn
Vegetable oil for frying

Pour 2 inches of oil into a dutch oven, heat oil to 325 degrees F.

Peel, desilk and remove corn kernels from 2 ears of corn (chop bottom of corn cob evnly so it stands on end and run knife down each side to remove kernels).

In a medium bowl, combine cornmeal, flour, sugar, and salt. In a small bowl beat eggs slightly and mix with milk. Add milk mixture to cornmeal mixture, stirring well. Stir in butter and corn.
Drop corn mixture by tablespoon (using another spoon to remove all mixture from spoon in one continuous motion), or using a small ice cream scoop, into hot oil. Cook for 3-4 minutes, turning once, or until golden. Drain on paper towels. Serve warm.

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